Resource Wisdom in Helsinki-Uusimaa
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is a forward-looking problem solver. The United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, ambitious climate targets and sustainable growth are the basis for our research, development and innovation activities.
The Helsinki Smart Region initiative is run by The Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council.
In 2030, Helsinki-Uusimaa’s three priorities are:
- In climate change mitigation: Our objective is to be a climate neutral region in 2030.
- In economic competitiveness: Our objective is to increase Helsinki-Uusimaa’s research and development expenditure to 5 per cent of the region’s gross domestic product.
- In wellbeing: Our objective is to achieve an employment rate of 80 per cent in Helsinki-Uusimaa by the end of 2030.
This is highlighted with the theme of our regional smart specialisation strategy – resource wisdom. To us, resource wisdom means using our economic, environmental, and social resources in a deliberate way to create sustainable growth.

About the region
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is one of the fastest growing areas in Europe and the driving force for economic growth in Finland. Our region of 26 municipalities, including the Finnish capital Helsinki, produces 39 percent of Finland’s gross domestic product. Almost 100 000 companies and a third of all jobs in Finland are located here. Helsinki-Uusimaa is a dynamic knowledge hub and innovation centre for the new European business and politics.

Solutions to global challenges
The global megatrends of climate change, demographic change, urbanisation, and digitalisation are present in Helsinki-Uusimaa, but also solutions to meet the challenges are created here. In our region we have the capital city of Helsinki with over 650,000 inhabitants, but also very small municipalities with around 2,000 inhabitants. This creates a unique opportunity to test and pilot smart and digital solutions for different sized cities and municipalities.

Green, digital and entrepreneurial
With a forward-looking entrepreneurial vision, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region was awarded the European Entrepreneurial Region (EER) label for 2021–2022.
The award was given by the European Committee of the Regions, with the 2021-2022 edition focused on the theme “Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Recovery.” In recognition of the award, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council dedicated 2022 as the EER thematic year to promote green and digital entrepreneurship.
The Helsinki-Uusimaa EER award year was implemented with funding from multiple sources, including the European Regional Development Fund, the national funding for Sustainable Growth and Vitality, and the budget of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council.
Things to know about
World-class universities and research institutes
There are several universities and universities of applied science in Helsinki-Uusimaa. World-class research institutes (e.g. VTT Technology Technical Research Centre of Finland, Finnish Environment Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland and Finnish Meteorological Institute) also operate in our region.
Home to a third of the Finnish population
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is home to around 1.7 million inhabitants, which is about a third of the country’s total population. There are almost 100 000 companies and a third of all jobs in Finland located in Helsinki-Uusimaa.
26 municipalities, including the Finnish capital
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region consists of 26 municipalities, including the Finnish capital city Helsinki. Their size varies from 600 000 inhabitants to ca 2 000 inhabitants. All of the municipalities are agile and eager to experiment and to function as a pilot platform.

Innovative ecosystems based on regional strengths
A smart specialisation strategy is successful when closely connected actors innovate together. Therefore, regional innovation ecosystems and its actors play a central role. Based on an European comparison, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region is the second most innovative region in Europe (2023). Different players from the whole region – large businesses and start-ups, public sector, research and education centres create smart innovations and tests together with the people.

Stronger Europe, too
Through its own actions and by providing support for project preparation, the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council promotes the actors’ participation in international networks and cooperation projects. By combining the strengths of different regions and transferring competence across national borders, we can harness all the resources in Europe.
Smart specialisation is the European Commission Inititiave showcased on a platform called S3. Visit the platform and find more information about how the Commission supports smart specialisation. Image credit Stefan Österlund.

Join us in creating the smartest region possible
The Helsinki Smart Region showcases the most innovative and interesting projects, companies and ideas from the Helsinki-Uusimaa region. We would like for you to join us in creating the smartest region possible.
Are you interested? Contact us!

Citizens’ city
The citizens in Helsinki-Uusimaa are active, creating together with companies and cities agile, user-focused services and solutions. The region is a world leader in making data public and using it to create new businesses. Helsinki-Uusimaa is big enough for systematic development of significant technologies and social innovations, and small enough to make it feasible in practice, too. This theme covers areas such as transportation, housing, urban planning, and healthcare.
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Citizens’ city
Climate neutrality
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region has set a goal to be carbon neutral by 2030. A transition to a low carbon society requires significant changes to our infrastructure, mobility, and built environment. The Helsinki Smart region is a major operator in developing the most ambitious clean technology in the world, and we have the capacity to develop new service models. Climate neutrality theme covers areas such as circular economy solutions, new forms of energy, bioeconomy innovations and new materials.
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Climate neutrality
Industrial modernisation
The Helsinki-Uusimaa Region produces various configurable products using for example industrial IoT and mobile technologies. We develop leading edge technologies for future industry and processes. In Helsinki-Uusimaa there is a broad innovation activity in different fields of strategic value chains such as self-driving vehicles, smart health, hydrogen technology, and cyber security. Areas covered by the theme include, for example, new industrial processes, health technologies, robotics, and travel.
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Industrial modernisationLATEST CASES

Industrial modernisation

Industrial modernisation