EU funding for pilot projects tackling innovation and climate challenges in the Baltic Sea Region
The EU Interreg Baltic Sea Region is a source of EU funding to foster transnational cooperation and bring solutions for a green and resilient Baltic Sea Region.
The activities of a core project should be structured in three work packages: preparing, piloting, and transferring solutions to the challenge it chooses to tackle. The solutions are expected to be practical and durable. Interreg BSR funding is granted to projects addressing issues that require a joint, transnational response in the Baltic Sea Region.
What challenges could the project tackle?
- Priority 1, Innovative societies: For example, enhancing disaster preparedness, safeguarding the safety and well-being of communities, providing support to businesses undergoing transition, or harnessing digitalisation potential.
- Priority 3, Climate-neutral societies: For example, adopting more systemic approaches to planning processes in sectors key to mitigating climate change, mainstreaming climate-conscious perspectives, improving the generation, distribution, utilisation and storage of energy, or promoting circular practices.
The Programme welcomes also other project ideas. Read more about the focus of the call and other relevant information in the Announcement note.
The project consortium must consist of a minimum of three project partners from three Programme countries. The Programme area covers Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and parts of Norway and Germany.
The implementation phase of a core project can last a maximum of three years. There are no specific budget limitations for core projects. However, the budget has to clearly correspond to the number of involved partners and the activities of the project.
Up to 80 % Programme co-financing
Partners from EU Member States will receive up to 80 % co-financing from the Programme. Partners from Norway will receive up to 50 % co-financing from Norwegian funding. Each partner must contribute their own remaining project funding.
Projects can apply for reimbursement of project preparation costs. Only projects that receive funding can have their preparation costs reimbursed. The reimbursement of preparation costs is a lump sum; it amounts to EUR 24,000 total (of which 80% is Programme funding, EUR 19 200). The lump sum is set regardless of the real costs of preparation.
All applicants are advised to familiarise themselves with the Programme documents to ensure their eligibility criteria.
Looking for partners? Or looking to browse project ideas initiated by other organisations? Check out the matchmaking platform.
> Interreg BSR Matchmaking platform
Important dates for applicants
- Project idea forms must be submitted by April 17
- Access to the Bamos+ system must also be requested by April 17
- Complete project applications must be submitted by June 21
- The Monitoring Committee will make the decisions in November.