
Invitation: Connect and Rebound
Welcome to join us on November 30 for the Launch of the Helsinki-Uusimaa Entrepreneurial Region Award Year 2022 and the closing event of EISMEA project “Fostering collaboration through mapping, analysing, and interlinking European Entrepreneurial Regions (2019-2021)”
Helsinki-Uusimaa is one of six regions to receive the European Entrepreneurial Region award (EER) for the years 2021-2022. Awarded by the European Committee of the Regions, the special edition of the EER year for 2021-2022 is centered around the theme “Entrepreneurship for a Sustainable Recovery”. In Helsinki-Uusimaa, the focus for the thematic years is green and digital transition.
On November 30th, we invite entrepreneurs, business ecosystem developers and policy makers across Europe to join Helsinki-Uusimaa and the EU in the movement for a green and digital transition achieving the goal of carbon neutrality by 2035.
Join the discussion online. Take part in the discussion on the challenges and particularly the opportunities connected to the transition towards green and digital entrepreneurship. Hear about how ecosystem service actors respond to and act on the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Learn about experiences of earlier EER awarded regions across Europe in fostering green and digital entrepreneurship and take the opportunity in hand to initiate collaboration with international actors.
See the agenda below – speakers are to be announced!
Date Tuesday, 30 November 2021
Time 13:00–17:30 EET
Participation Online – directions will be sent prior to the event in a separate email.
Admission Register for online participation here – registration is open until November 29th.
Event agenda
13:00 Opening session
Helsinki-Uusimaa European Entrepreneurial Region accelerating green and digital transition – launch of EER year 2022
13:30 Business and entrepreneurs driving green and digital transition for sustainable growth– a business perspective
Panel discussion among business representatives
14:15 Building a world-class entrepreneurship ecosystem in Helsinki-Uusimaa supporting green and digital transition – an ecosystem actors’ perspective
Panel discussion among ecosystem builder representatives
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Accelerating green and digital transition for sustainable growth – a European partnership perspective
In this session, European experts will suggest a few key areas in soft landing services for companies, circular economy and MedTech as basis for deepening the future cooperation of EER regions and Helsinki-Uusimaa in green and digital transition.
17:00 Closing remarks and invitation to join Helsinki-Uusimaa EER year 2022
Call to actions and invitation to collaboration by European Commission and the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council representatives.
The event is organized by the Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council in partnership with the European Commission EISMEA and the European Committee of the Regions. It is a joint event for the launch of the Helsinki-Uusimaa EER year and the closing of the European Commission’s EISMEA Project: Fostering collaboration through mapping, analysing and interlinking European Entrepreneurial Regions (2019-2021), which brought together earlier EER Award winning regions.
Implementation of the EER year is funded by the EU Interreg Europe Programme, the European Regional Development Fund, the national funding for sustainable growth and vitality in the region, as well as the budget funds of the council itself.
For more information, please contact:
Project Director Ms Christine Chang, phone +358 44 353 3014
Project Manager Mr Simo Karetie, phone +358 40 524 5431
Project Coordinator Ms Miranda Sundholm, phone +358 40 658 3384
Image credit: Tuula Palaste