

We have the winners!

The competition has now ended. Four winning teams will be awarded with 2500€ each!

The winners will be announced on the 9th of December in Teams. Register to the Teams webinar by emailing cristina.andersson@develor.fi, or join directly on Friday, 9th December, at 8am Central European Time: Join the webinar here

Smart use of AI powered health data contents is a great opportunity to improve public health system efficacy. Especially in allowing improved interoperability between social services interventions data and primary healthcare data, there is a possibility to mitigate workload of the personnel as well as improve the quality of care. Sustainable, connected and AI powered processes can be utilized on various levels of public care and support functions. For preventive healthcare, AI can improve the accuracy and quality of treatment, or slow down the development of disease or even prevent health issues from occurring.

Find more inspiration:

> 10 Examples of Preventive Health in Action

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