Launch Event of the EER Year
30.11.2021 - 30.11.2021

Entrepreneurs and ecosystem builders from Helsinki-Uusimaa and Europe are invited to Connect and Rebound – building connections for future cooperation and acting on growth opportunities in green and digital entrepreneurship in the post-pandemic recovery journey. These connections will resonate beyond Helsinki-Uusimaa to all European Entrepreneurial Regions who worked together to drive the start-up and scale-up of SMEs and enterprise over the years and seek to deepen their collaboration.
Join the discussion online.
Take part in the discussion on the challenges and particularly the opportunities connected to the transition towards green and digital entrepreneurship. Hear about how ecosystem service actors respond to and act on the challenges faced by entrepreneurs. Learn about experiences of earlier EER awarded regions across Europe in fostering green and digital entrepreneurship and take the opportunity in hand to initiate collaboration with international actors.

Moderator of the event is Christine Chang, Project Director at Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council.
13:00 Eastern European Time / 12:00 Central European Time
Opening session
Helsinki-Uusimaa European Entrepreneurial Region accelerating green and digital transition – Launch of the EER year 2022
- Apostolos G. Tzitzikostas, President of European Committee of the regions (video)
- Juha Eskelinen, Director, Regional Development, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
- Mari Holopainen, MP and Vice Chair of Startup Working group of Finnish Parliament
- Maive Rute, Deputy Director General, DG Grow, European Commission
13:30 Businesses and entrepreneurs driving green and digital transition for sustainable growth – a business perspective
Panel discussion among business representatives
- Moderator: Kari Herlevi, Project Director, Finnish Innovation Fund
- Tuuli Mäkelä, Head of Marketing, ZenRobotics
- Sauli Böhm, CEO, ResQ
- Phil Brown, VP Business Development & Strategy, Circularise
- Petri Alava, CEO, Infinited Fiber
14:15 Building a world-class entrepreneurship ecosystem in Helsinki-Uusimaa supporting green and digital transition – an ecosystem actors’ perspective
Panel discussion among ecosystem builder representatives
- Moderator: Kari Herlevi, Project Director, Finnish Innovation Fund
- Fredrik Pressler, CEO, Posintra
- Jouni Lounasmaa, CEO, Startup Foundation
- Mikko Järvinen, Project Manager, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences
15:00 Coffee break
15:30 Accelerating green and digital transition for sustainable growth – a European partnership perspective
The role of European cooperation in fostering the scaling up of entrepreneurial ecosystems
- André Meyer, European Commission, SME Policy
- Piotr Zajaczkowski, Committee of the Regions
Taking stock of the results of the EU Project interlinking EER regions
- Laura Roman, Technopolis Group
- Isabelle de Voldere, IDEA
Follow-up of the SME Assembly EER Policy Hackathon and call for actions
- Tess Rutgers van Rozenburg, Ideas from Europe
16:00 EER Regions’ experience for future collaboration
Moderator: Lena Tsipouri, University of Athens
Calls for collaboration from EER Regions in pecha kucha format
- Montse Daban, BIOCAT Cluster Catalonia
- Maria Goulaptsi, Region of Central Macedonia
- Sergio Pérez García, General Director of External Action, Navarra Regional Government
- Malgorzata Skulimowska, Pomorskie Regional Government
- Karin Herzog, Ecoplus Lower Austria
- Coen de Graaf, North-Brabant Region
Followed by a roundtable discussion on why and how the EER cooperation should continue, and how the EER cooperation model should support the green and digital transitions in the regions.
17:00 Closing remarks and invitation to join Helsinki-Uusimaa EER year 2022
Call to actions and invitation to collaboration.
- Markku Markkula, Chairman of Board, Helsinki-Uusimaa Regional Council
Speakers — Stay tuned for more

Implementation of the EER year is funded by the EU Interreg Europe Programme, the European Regional Development Fund, the national funding for sustainable growth and vitality in the region, as well as the budget funds of the council itself.
Follow up: EER Matchmaking Event
To follow up the new collaborations and project partnerships, Technopolis Group Belgium is organising an EER Matchmaking Event on December 6-10. For more information and registration, click here.