
Industrial modernisation
Welcome to the RFID Lab show room
They serve the potential end users of RFID technology for example in manufacturing, whole sales, retail, logistics, and service provider sector who wants to improve their business processes or create new businesses.
RFIDLab Finland is owned by its member companies and organizations including all the major players in the RFID and NFC industries that have operations in Finland and companies that utilize identification technology in their business.
There are multiple different types of tags, readers and application on show in their showroom. The show room has been divided into three different themes: warehouse, store and living room. Manufacturers can mark their products with tags that contain a unique serial number. The same tag can be used all the way from manufacturing to the end user.
Gate reader
In the demo the products and the trolley have been equipped with passive RFID tags . The gate has four antennas linked to a RFID reader. The system recognizes the trolley at the gate and reads every product individually. If there are any mistakes in the delivery, the system will alert about it. A gate like this is supposed to be integrated as part of a company’s ERP system, so all of the information flow will be automated. This reduces human errors and makes the whole process faster.
In the store there are a few smart shelfs that each has their own reader. The shelves recognize in real time RFID equipped books and other products. The information system can tell for example which shelf a particular product is on or if someone is trying to steal a particular item.
The store also has a smart dressing room. The customer can for example look up additional information (available sizes, colors) about the garment, asks the shop attendant to bring another size or get recommendations using an in build touch screen.
Living room
In the living room there are different applications present that use RFID in daily tasks and other kinds of situations. For example there are passive RFID sensors that can detect moisture or corrosion.

Article has been edited in September 2020.
RFIDLab Finland:
Non-profit association
Provides vendor agnostic RFID and NFC information
Development initiatives
Operates a RFID show room
Provides RFID seminars, training, and consulting
For further information, please contact:
Eija Toivonen
Marketing and Administrative Manager
+358 400 883 456
RFIDLab Finland:
Non-profit association
Provides vendor agnostic RFID and NFC information
Development initiatives
Operates a RFID show room
Provides RFID seminars, training, and consulting
For further information, please contact:
Eija Toivonen
Marketing and Administrative Manager
+358 400 883 456