

Circular and sharing economy promoted via pilots in housing companies

Circular Green Blocks partnership project is searching service providers to elaborate agile pilots of circular and sharing economy services in pilot blocks in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area.


Pilot blocks serve as living labs where a service provider can test the solution among the target group and co-develop the service together with the housing companies, residents and project specialists.

The project has launched two open calls for offers

The first open call is called “Sustainable sharing” by Forum Virium Helsinki. It is open for offers from 4th until 29th of April. Services, which are being considered, would be solutions for digital services which promote sharing economy in housing companies. Pilots will run in autumn of 2022. The budget is 48 000 € in total.

The second open call is called “Yard improvement and/or urban farming development services” and it is organized by Helsinki Region Environmental Services. Offers are accepted via offer form from 4th until 24th of April. Solutions which are being searched, would improve the yard via promoting, for example, the commonality and biodiversity in the pilot blocks. Pilots will be elaborated during summer and autumn of 2022. The budget is 9 000 € in total.

Offers are also accepted in English

Even though the offer request and background material are published in Finnish, the project accepts offers written in English. During piloting the project personnel are supporting the communication between housing company residents and service provider.   

More information:

Sustainable sharing open call website, Forum Virium Helsinki

Yard improvement and/or urban farming development services open call website, Helsinki Region Environmental Services

Circular Green Blocks project website, Helsinki Region Environmental Services

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