
97 tulosta



Helsinki-Uusimaa RDI roadmap outlines steps to become European forerunner in innovation 

...related to these strengths, which should be reinforced and highlighted in regional marketing. Centres of excellence combine the work of internationally recognised research groups, education, research infrastructures, and the closeness...

24.10.2023 EU, Helsinki Smart Region, Helsinki-Uusimaa, Horizon Europe


Helsinki-Uusimaa is the Finnish leader in Horizon Europe participation 

...(M€).    Funding for companies for industry renewal and disruptions In addition to research organisations, companies based in Helsinki-Uusimaa, like Nokia and ABB, have taken active part in Horizon Europe projects...



Municipalities at the forefront of climate change mitigation in Helsinki-Uusimaa Region

...Region are involved in many other networks, commitments, agreements and programmes that promote climate and circular economy work. For example, up to 18 municipalities in the Helsinki-Uusimaa Region are committed...



Welcome to participate in the event Nordic COP26 Hub Helsinki: What kind of new solutions can Helsinki-Uusimaa offer? 

...where new climate solutions, cooperation models and tools from Helsinki-Uusimaa will be presented. The event will comprise discussions on how cooperational climate work at a regional level could speed up...

3.5.2023 circular economy, Helsinki Smart Region


Helsinki-Uusimaa Circular Valley at Circular Super Week – Meet international investors and learn scalable solutions

...economy projects, professionals and companies to come and greet us and map out joint activities, Salolammi says. > Read more about the events mentioned above > Find out more about...



Helsinki claims several top positions in 2018 Smart City Comparisons

...new business opportunities for the companies”, says Mayor of Helsinki Jan Vapaavuori. Helsinki’s smart city success is based on the city’s intense co-operation with the companies, the science community and...



Kamu Health’s mobile app to improve asthmatics’ quality of life

...Our solution combines a clinical-grade mobile spirometer with the latest kind of evidence-based medical service. It helps asthmatics to measure, monitor, predict and control their own condition. How did you...



Naava enters US with smart green wall

...one of the ’hottest startups from Helsinki’. Naava is unique as it actually purifies the air The plants used in the Naava products include Philodendron and Asplenium. The company has...



Spinning Pilots project helps the Helsinki-Uusimaa region’s health tech companies grow

...will be joined by one of the companies piloting their product, Smartifier. The company has developed a wirelessly connected high-tech balance board that comes with a mobile app. Smartifier’s Managing...



Redi’s Recycling Mall receives an overwhelmingly warm welcome

...made in heaven, one could say, when these two found each other. A completely new consuming area could be born here! Constant testing Linsiö is very pleased and proud of...